Kitchen Envy

KitchenEnvyAs I’ve spent more time in the kitchen lately (my rightful place as a woman tbh [jk jk jk!]) understandably my mind wanders towards way to make it better. But, since this is likely not our permanent house, as in 6-8 years we’ll be outta here, we (mostly Alan, lol) feel that it’s simply not worth it to pour a bunch of money into renovating a room that is largely only defective in its looks. So, instead I just spend all day pinning beautiful white kitchens that pop up (I think Pinterest’s new algorithm is partly to blame). All I want is white tile, exposed wood shelving, all new cabinetry and updated appliances and a marble countertop. Is that soooooo much to ask????

[For a blogger who’s got it going on in the home department (and the everything else department, she’s got my dream job basically!), Kate Arends of Wit + Delight has such a beautiful home I want to scream]


Game changer: IKEA just introduced this herringbone pattern wood countertop. 😍


*All pins are from my HOME board, which you can follow!

About the Author

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Hi! I'm a graphic designer, photographer and female person. I live in Minneapolis with my husband Alan and our baby son Alexander and baby cat Arya.


Home Goods, House Envy

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