Hi there!

DR1A0572_websize.jpgDR1A0632_websize.jpgWell hello! It’s been a very long while.

I stepped back from working on this blog because I didn’t know if I wanted it to be a blog about my life, or an actual real lifestyle blog with a real following, where I talk about products and babies and make shopping guides and do recipe posts etc etc.

Plus, I wanted to focus on my magazine, and trying to lock down some paying work. And I just didn’t feel like I had the energy for writing blog posts, and it felt like nobody was reading anyway.

But, after nearly a year away, I’ve started to miss it. Not as a way to connect with people, per se, but as a digital archive of my and my family’s life. I miss doing clothes posts for Alex’s wardrobe! I miss talking about plans for the house. I miss a lot about blogging that was just for me. So, I’m going to start doing it again. :) But first, a lot of updates, because an INSANE amount of stuff has happened since I last wrote.

First – I have a job! I’m a FT salaried graphic designer at a non-profit and it’s going really well and I dig the work I’m getting to do.

Second – I launched my magazine, Northerly. I could write a lot about this. But I will just say for now it’s at times super exciting and I love it, and it’s also extremely overwhelming and stressful, and I go back and forth on whether I want to continue it for much longer, or let it go on forever and just not care how much of a drain it can be. Because the creative satisfaction I get from it is extremely good. I’m in the process of putting out the fourth issue already, somehow. I do that in the little spaces between working a full time job, and being a mom.


DR1A1079_websize.jpgThird – We sold our house! Still kind of weird how it came to be. We started getting the itch to look at a new house at the beginning of the summer, but never officially said “we’re house hunting” or “we’re going to sell our house.” I saw a house I liked, we got a realtor, and it just went fast and furious from there. We found an amazing house by Lake Harriet in July one afternoon and put on offer down that evening, and had it accepted two days later.

Fourth – There were things about it we felt we could improve, and being that it was actually pretty reasonably priced for its location, we decided to undertake a huuuge renovation project. So, that’s going on right now, and we’re living with my parents until the project wrapped up in July. And speaking of July deadlines….

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Fifth – We’re having a baby! Another one! Not quite ready to reveal the sex but we’re very excited, and also stressing out a lot about everything coming together and our lives not being upended more than they absolutely have to be (with our house completely in shambles and our move-in date being the day before my due date). We’re hoping for a smooth-ish transition. Mostly we’re super stoked and we know we’ll figure out the rest. There’s not as much to figure out with a second baby, though. We already have the stroller, the car seat, the bed, most clothes… But it’ll still be new and great. Alex is very stoked to be a big brother and we can’t wait to be a family of four.

DR1A0682_websize.jpgSo, that’s all the big stuff I guess. We got these photos taken at the new house back in October and I have barely gotten to do anything with them. So I’ll share a few now. The photographer is Kadi Vail and she’s amazing!

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(also, I briefly started wearing my hair down with bangs and I have since gone back to a plain ol’ top knot. It feels right). 

About the Author

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Hi! I'm a graphic designer, photographer and female person. I live in Minneapolis with my husband Alan and our baby son Alexander and baby cat Arya.


My Life, Updates

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